2008年9月22日 星期一


本來以為今天就可以整地的我,在上周末最後關頭還衝出來一個颱風來阻擋我的決心,感覺就好像是已經準備要出門去考試的我 途中發現考試延期一樣沮喪,或是死刑犯要執行槍決的途中又遇到塞車一樣,整個心懸在空中....

我小時候睡前總常常許了願望要快快長大,總睡醒睜開眼睛後能變成大人。 我常睜開眼睛後,才後悔當初許下這樣的願望,因為當你小的時候,大人總會騙你長大的好處,但卻從來沒提過缺點過...從沒人說過長大後會越來越孤獨,當你要獨自面對許多事情的時候,其實大部分的時候都是很孤獨的...


2008年9月8日 星期一



農改場尤主任 很熱心的幫我安排到他場館現場實習的機會。 今天一大早起床起的一大早,就往農改場出發,也花了半小時的光景到了台南區農改場圤子分場,一到了現場尤主任安排場館裡的改良研究員吳大哥先向我詳細解釋了一下種植"有機甜玉米"的主要流程,算是上了一堂很重要的課。

接著當場還讓我跳上曳引機一起觀摩他們整地的 過程,還有操作中耕機實習翻土 做漥的過程 以及播種的方法,算是獲益良多。 我打算下周颱風過後,就要開始嘗試的在我自己的土地上開始耕作了,相信有農改場當作技術指導的我,應該不會有太差的結果。

The first lesson of the week is to learn how to efficiently plant organic corns, however, me and Trash already talked to Mr. Yu who are exutive director is Tainan's Agriculture Research Institution. Mr. Yu was offering us this opportunity to really apprentice on planting Corns.

I even have chance to really jump onto tractor and operating seeding machine, which is something i don't do everyday. At the end of the day, I really have good idea of soil preparation and seeding process and i hope it's gonna work well on my farm as well.

" 後面那兩條溝就是我犁出來的...." I draged out these 2 lines on the Farm...

2008年9月6日 星期六

E.T. Organic 依梯有機

本來想發展農業的idea是由我與另一位老友萌發出來的想法,為了我的這位老友"Trash"的勇氣,我打算把他的initial也加入我的農場名稱裡, "E.T. Organic" 就是這麼簡單。

但雖想法簡單,但"創業"本來就是要考驗人性的一件事情。 Trash兄老早在幾周前無意的投下中研院的履歷表,而獲得幸運的面試機會進而進入中研院工作中。我著實的為他高興,同時也曾經一度懷疑自己發展有機農業的決心。 我才開始仔細思考,我到底是為了創業而發展有機農業,還是只是為了跟同窗好友整天鬼混才這樣搞;終究我還是理性的先祝福trash兄找到了穩定的工作,但我還是對於他當初的大力支持感到感動,這就是為什麼他的initial將永遠存在的原因。

無論如何,在這裡感謝所有曾經幫助過我的人,曾經在我失落中拉我一把,曾經鼓勵過我,曾經給我過任何提示,或曾經教訓過我的人..., "E.T. Organic"將因你們而成為一間偉大的企業。

It all just started as an idea of my best friend, and also to the courage of my best friend who named "Trash"(that's what we always call him). That's why we decided to keep his initial in the title of our farm "E.T. Organic", simple as that...

It is always easy to say than actually doing it, entrepreneurship is no exception. Months ago, Me and my buddy "Trash" started to dream of owning our Oraganic farm and to grow our own fruits and vegetables. However, he is right now ended up working in Taiwan's National Reserch Institution now and I'm still pretty happy for him.

It then kinda wakes me up from the dream to reality that things does always change under any circumstances, therefore I still thanks for all my buddy's support for my entrepreneur idea. I decided to make this farm come to reality and make it a great pure organic farm.